Friday, August 02, 2013

I Have Stopped...

I have stopped
And reading, books I like.

I have stopped
And enjoying, every second instead of every week.

I have stopped
And praying, as often as I have.

Instead, I have started changing,
Let the busyness consume me
Tried to make 24 into 34 hours, which still wasn’t enough.

I have changed myself
In order to please more or push away people,
In fear of losing or hurting them.
I stop asking for help from God and looking for help from man.

Slowly with out knowing
I stopped...being me 100%
I dropped to 98%, 87% 75%
Now at 20%, more than half is gone.

I have stopped
And started changing.

Not for people or me, but for him,
Him who gave me breath and blesses me everyday.
The same him that loves me, more than any human word could say.
So bye bye the to myself that has change for the world and man,
And Hello to myself that changed for the one that has created man.

       It is sad to start something and not finish it. This can be seen as better than quitting, but still frown down upon. I have started many things and, “took a break” as I tend to say nowadays. However, this is the month of August, I am starting a new school, gonna meet new people, learn new things (about life, myself, and others), find new ways to evangelizes, and over all just get my life in order (spiritually, mentally, and physically). I am going to set small goals*, finish them than move on to other goals (very important).

My first goal is to give birth once again to all my creativeness that has slowly died thru out the years. Wish me luck; above all continue to pray for me, as I pray for you. ^^v. 

*It is better to set small goals than big ones, why? Reasons being is at least you have a better chance at finishing them and this gives yourself encouragement to move on to harder and bigger goals.

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