Friday, February 22, 2013

I Didn't Turn My Back.

       Now don't think I turn my back on my blog, because I didn't. Sadly, I just haven't been publishing new post though. However, I write post and save them to draft...not knowing if I should publish them or not. Therefore, my poor post sits there in draft waiting for my to publish them. Nevertheless, I didn't. Therefore, this post is a fill in.
       It is the New Year; I just finished my winter semester, which wasn't as bad as I thought. I learn not to spread myself too thin. Still smiling despite all the things that try to take my smile away. Working on staying in touch with people. Therefore, this means a lot of hanging out, facetime, phone calls, and texting. 
     OOOoohh, before I forget to mention I wanna thank my church family for they are amazing and a blessing, lucky for me I get to see them once a week. THe church youth is working on a newsletter to spread the Greatness of the Lord with others. At first it was rocky, but that is okay because we are getting somewhere. In addition, I wanna thank everyone for sticking it out. We started in December and now it is almost March I think that is huge. You should check it out :) River of Truth for Youth. 
       Anyways I will not let this "not posting for years" happen again. ^^v.

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