Friday, November 09, 2012

I'm Making a List, and Checking it Twice.

       Check List Time!!!...I love reorganizing myself, whether it is cleaning my room, deleting pictures off my phone and/or computer, or making a list of things I want to do or try; I love it. So let's begin, I'm going to try breaking them down in categorizes; hair, skin (face), and body. Let's start with...

Hair List, first!!
It's has almost been a year, since I used a flat iron in my hair year. YAY!! So for the month of November I am going to try out some of these things and see how my hair likes it.
Spritz my hair mornings and nights  
Oil ends mornings and nights
- Hot oil treatments once a week
Clip ends every 6 weeks
- Practice special occasions hairstyles
- Take vitamins morning and nights
Do length checks every month  

Overall Hair Goals...healthy hair, lovely curls and length.  

Skin List, second!!
During the cold weather my body tends to get really dry, and if I am not careful it will peel...No bueno. As for my face it goes crazy, some days it's so oily and then other days it's dry. I hope these things help my skin during this wonderful time of the year :).  
Reduce hot showers
Wash off with cold water at the end
Honey, brown sugar, lemon scrub 
Lotion every day
- Vitamin E hands and feet
- Take vitamins morning and nights
Skin update once a month   
Face List
Tea tree wash mornings and nights  
Argan oil and lavender (1drop) mornings
Argan oil and lavender (2drop) nights
Stream once a week
Mug mask once a week
- Practice special occasions make-up

Overall Skin Goal...healthy skin, soft skin, and reduce the oil on my face.

Body List, last!!
For some reason my body weight keeps changing, one day I am 116 next day I am 103. So I want to make sure my body is fit and healthy both inside and out.  
Reduce my cheese intake 
Exercise everyday
Eat sweets on special occasions only
Drink 7 cups of water every day
Drink BluePrint once a week
- Take vitamins morning and nights
Body update once a month 

Overall Body Goal...healthy body, to have energy, and beach bod (lol)!!!!

Well my random check list time is over. Wish me luck with my goals :). And I will let you know how everything is going. ^^v.

Friday, October 19, 2012


     So my friend, the blogger of The Cali Life, which you should really check out (links on the bottom of this post); posted a post on the 17th of this month, which I had to leave a comment to. Even though I think I went in, and wrote a mini essay to her. I know I could have gone on and on…I tend to ramble a lot without noticing. Anyways this post is not about my rambling, and me but to direct you to my friends post. So here is the link directly to the post I am talking about…

SMH, for I am Slaking...

       I been slaking on my blog, and I am not very happy about it. It is not like I don't have things to write, for I do, (a lot of things). I am just not using my time wisely, and because of that I end up stressing myself out and getting sick. I bet I soon will start losing weight, like last year. Ugh. As my grandmother said just pray Nicki, and she is right. ^^v.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Hairy Situation.

     It has been 9 months with no heat. Whoop! Whoop! And to be honest it is still hard some days. I wake up with a style in mind and my hair disagrees with me, then I get annoyed with it. But this week for my classes I didn't want to wake up worrying about my hair, so I did twist outs. From Saturday till Friday!! This is big for me; I have always had a problem with my twist out looking dead for the next day. So to have it (with a few touch up here and there) for almost a week, I pat myself on the back :). I touched up the whole head on Monday night but I didn't need to (I was being paranoid). And I wore the front tied down like a headband on Monday and Thursday. This week I am not sure what to do, maybe some protective style. 

       Anywhos, here is my hair before I got my cousin to do the high-low cut, then when I got it cut, and now. ^^v.
England 2011.
Germany 2011.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Something to Make You Smile.

       Some times when I am stressed, (even though I don't like to say it out loud) I do random things to bring a smile to my face. I dance around, I lip sing (badly), I take picture, and I draw, anything that will get my mind off of stressing. So this video was made with a friend in mind, to make them smile, I hope it works for them. ^^v.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Is It Okay to be a Little Scared?

       I am known for taking on too much sometimes, and that is one thing that scare me. This year I have to do my internship, while taking a cluster class that is mandatory. The cluster class contains 3 classes, one that happens to be intensive writing. I get 5 credits from this cluster. Meanwhile I have to take a history class 3 credits, a psychology class 3 credits, and a bio class with lab 4 credits. All of this lovely-ness ends in December. Then for fall part two I have to take Spanish class 3 credits, English 3 credits. Overall I have to take 6 classes plus my internship for fall 1, and then 2 classes for fall 2. Pray for me please. ^^v. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Why Do You Smile?

Today I was on Twitter and saw this #ReasonsThatISmile, and I thought that's kind of cute. I started to read some reasons why people smile. Many were about food, girlfriends, boyfriends, best friends, family, and stuff. I read about 30 tweets and only saw 3 about God. I wasn't shocked, but would have liked to see more. Think of it this way, God has blessed us with so much every single day and sometimes we can't even take the time to say, "thank you God". Yet that doesn't stop him from blessing us the next day. 

       Our blessings may not be a house or thousands of dollars, but God just waking us up in the morning, is a blessing that many take for grated. In the Bible "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus" (Phil 4:19 KJV). Sometimes we find ourselves asking God to bless us with things, like a new job, a husband or wife, a fancy car, and so on. So we sit, wait and wonder why God hasn't blessed us yet...But God knows us better then we know ourselves, he knows what we can handle and when we can handle it. So no worries, God hears all our prayers and blesses us in ways we can manage.

Mini Story: Just Ask Him.
One day during the time I was taking a summer class, I missed my early bus (and if you know me, I don't like being late). So I was annoyed with myself, I couldn't stop looking at my watch. I knew I was late; I closed my eyes on the bus and prayed really hard, to be on time. I got to class 5 minutes late; my professor had already started, talking about the homework due the next day. I didn't want to worry about being late, knowing I had prayed. Then 10 minutes after I had already walked into class he said, "Lucky for you guys that came late, I haven't taken the attendance yet." I thought to myself I was on time!! I couldn't stop smiling; my friend was looking at me like something was wrong with me. My God works in mysterious way, and is worthy of all the praise. 

That was my mini story, of how God blessed me. So how can I go a day without smiling, because every single day God has blessed me and I believe he will always bless me. Now question to you, a reason why you smile? ^^v.

#ReasonsThatISmile for my God loves me in spite of all my sins.

P.S. Happy Sabbath :).